


EVElectoral Votes 3 Pop.Population 731,545
Joe Biden
Joe Biden
Donald Trump
Donald Trump
Leading dem leanrep lean
Vote Count Final demrep
CLOSED Polls are closed Reporting 100% in
Voting History
2016 R Donald Trump
2012 R Mitt Romney
2008 R John McCain

Presidential Race Results

Results by County

Candidates Votes %
R Trump Donald Trump In Incumbent 189,951 53.10%
D Biden Joe Biden 153,778 43.00%
O Jorgensen Jo Jorgensen 8,897 2.50%
O Ventura Jesse Ventura 2,673 <1%
O Blankenship Don Blankenship 1,127 <1%
O Pierce Brock Pierce 825 <1%
O De La Fuente Roque De La Fuente 318 <1%
CLOSED Polls are closed Reporting 100% in

Senate Race Results

Candidates Votes %
Seat 1
R Sullivan Dan Sullivan In Incumbent 191,112 53.99%
D Gross Al Gross 146,068 41.26%
O Howe John Wayne Howe 16,806 4.75%
CLOSED Polls are closed Reporting 99% in

Results by County

Candidates Votes %
R Sullivan Dan Sullivan In Incumbent 191,112 54.00%
D Gross Al Gross 146,068 41.30%
O Howe John Wayne Howe 16,806 4.70%
CLOSED Polls are closed Reporting 100% in

House Race Results

All Seats

Dems Democrats
Reps Republicans
Ind Independents

Results by District

Candidates Votes %
AK 01
R Young Don Young In Incumbent 192,126 54.58%
D Galvin Alyse Galvin 159,856 45.42%
CLOSED Polls are closed Reporting 100% in

Ballot Measures

1 - Increase Fuel Production Tax No
Yes 145,392 42.14%
No 199,667 57.86%
Percent In (100%)
2-Open Pri Ranked Voting GE Yes
Yes 174,032 50.55%
No 170,251 49.45%
Percent In (100%)


Do you describe yourself as a man, a woman, or in some other way?
Other 1%
Sample: 681 Respondents
What is your age?
18-29 15%
Sample: 677 Respondents
What is your age?
Sample: 677 Respondents
Gender, age 2 categories
All others 1%
Sample: 674 Respondents
What is your racial or ethnic heritage?
African American or Black 3%
Latino or Hispanic 5%
Sample: 675 Respondents
What is your racial or ethnic heritage?
Sample: 675 Respondents
Gender, race 4 categories
Black men 3%
Black women 0%
Latino men 4%
Latino women 2%
Sample: 671 Respondents
Gender, race 2 categories
Non-white men 15%
Non-white women 13%
All others 1%
Sample: 673 Respondents
Age 4 categories, race 2 categories
White 18-29 11%
Non-white 18-29 4%
Non-white 30-44 9%
Non-white 45-64 9%
Non-white 65+ 5%
Sample: 670 Respondents
Age 2 categories, race 2 categories
Non-white 18-44 14%
Non-white 45+ 14%
Sample: 670 Respondents
Which best describes your level of education?
High school or less 24%
Sample: 683 Respondents
Which best describes your level of education?
Sample: 683 Respondents
Gender, education 2 categories
All others 1%
Sample: 680 Respondents
Age 2 categories, education 2 categories
18-44 non college 26%
Sample: 677 Respondents
Education 2 categories, race 2 categories
Non-white non college 22%
Non-white college 6%
Sample: 674 Respondents
Gender, education 2 categories, race 2 categories
White non college men 22%
White non college women 20%
Non-white non college men 11%
Non-white non college women 11%
Non-white college men 4%
Non-white college women 2%
All others 1%
Sample: 672 Respondents
In which of these categories is your total yearly household income, that is, of everyone living in your family household? Was your total household income in 2019...
Under $25,000 8%
$25,000-$49,999 16%
Sample: 671 Respondents
Was your total household income in 2019?
Sample: 671 Respondents
Was your total household income in 2019?
Sample: 671 Respondents
Generally speaking, do you consider yourself a Democrat, a Republican, or dont you consider yourself either? Would you say you are closer to the Democrats, to the Republicans, or do you not lean toward either?
Sample: 684 Respondents
Party with leaners, gender
Republican women 22%
Sample: 681 Respondents
Generally speaking, do you consider yourself to be a liberal, moderate, or conservative?
Very conservative 23%
Sample: 678 Respondents
Generally speaking, do you consider yourself to be a liberal, moderate, or conservative?
Sample: 678 Respondents
Which of the following best describes the area where you live?
Sample: 680 Respondents
Gender, sizeplace 3 categories
Urban men 11%
Urban women 10%
Suburban women 12%
All others 1%
Sample: 677 Respondents
Race 2 categories, sizeplace 3 categories
Non-white urban 6%
Non-white suburban 9%
Non-white small town/rural 12%
Sample: 672 Respondents
Would you describe yourself as a born-again or evangelical Christian, or not?
White evangelical/white born-again Christians 16%
Sample: 134 Respondents
For each of the following, please say if you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion. If you do not know enough to have an opinion, you can say that too. Joe Biden
Very favorable 24%
Somewhat favorable 24%
Somewhat unfavorable 8%
Very unfavorable 44%
Do not know enough to say 0%
Sample: 183 Respondents
For each of the following, please say if you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion. If you do not know enough to have an opinion, you can say that too. Joe Biden
Very/Somewhat unfavorable 53%
Do not know enough to say 0%
Sample: 183 Respondents
For each of the following, please say if you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion. If you do not know enough to have an opinion, you can say that too. Donald Trump
Very favorable 43%
Somewhat favorable 9%
Somewhat unfavorable 6%
Do not know enough to say 0%
Sample: 182 Respondents
For each of the following, please say if you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion. If you do not know enough to have an opinion, you can say that too. Donald Trump
Very/Somewhat favorable 52%
Do not know enough to say 0%
Sample: 182 Respondents
For each of the following, please say if you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion. If you do not know enough to have an opinion, you can say that too. Trump/Biden
Favorable view of Trump and Biden 5%
Favorable view of Trump, unfavorable view of Biden 47%
Unfavorable view of Trump and Biden 6%
Sample: 182 Respondents
Generally speaking, would you say things in this country are heading in the...
Sample: 679 Respondents
Which one of the following would you say is the most important issue facing the country?
Health care 7%
Immigration 2%
Abortion 5%
Law enforcement 5%
Climate change 8%
Foreign Policy 1%
Racism 8%
Sample: 677 Respondents
In deciding how to vote for U.S. Senator, how important was it to you which party controls the Senate?
A minor factor 8%
Not a factor 6%
Sample: 670 Respondents
In deciding how to vote for U.S. Senator, how important was it to you which party controls the Senate?
Not a factor 6%
Sample: 670 Respondents
Do you favor or oppose each of the following? Requiring people to wear masks when around other people outside of their homes
Somewhat favor 15%
Somewhat oppose 12%
Strongly oppose 25%
Sample: 167 Respondents
Do you favor or oppose each of the following? Requiring people to wear masks when around other people outside of their homes
Strongly/Somewhat oppose 37%
Sample: 167 Respondents
Do you favor or oppose each of the following? Changing the health care system so that any American can buy into a government-run health care plan if they want to
Strongly favor 32%
Somewhat favor 29%
Somewhat oppose 19%
Strongly oppose 20%
Sample: 169 Respondents
Do you favor or oppose each of the following? Changing the health care system so that any American can buy into a government-run health care plan if they want to
Strongly/Somewhat oppose 39%
Sample: 169 Respondents
Do you favor or oppose each of the following? Reducing government regulation of business
Strongly favor 38%
Somewhat favor 24%
Somewhat oppose 20%
Strongly oppose 18%
Sample: 167 Respondents
Do you favor or oppose each of the following? Reducing government regulation of business
Strongly/Somewhat favor 62%
Strongly/Somewhat oppose 38%
Sample: 167 Respondents
Vote type
Sample: 682 Respondents
Which comes closest to your opinion on abortion? Should abortion be...
Legal in all cases 16%
Legal in most cases 32%
Illegal in most cases 43%
Illegal in all cases 9%
Sample: 139 Respondents
Which comes closest to your opinion on abortion? Should abortion be...
Illegal in all/most cases 52%
Sample: 139 Respondents
Which comes closer to your opinion about the dividend check Alaskans receive from the state's oil wealth fund?
Sample: 663 Respondents
How often, if at all, do you attend religious services?
Never 39%
A few times a year or less 33%
About once a month 2%
A few times a month 2%
Once a week or more 25%
Sample: 143 Respondents
How often, if at all, do you attend religious services?
At least monthly 29%
Sample: 143 Respondents
Regardless of who you support, would you say Joe Biden or Donald Trump is better able to handle each of the following? The coronavirus pandemic
Donald Trump 47%
Both equally 3%
Neither 6%
Sample: 145 Respondents
Regardless of who you support, would you say Joe Biden or Donald Trump is better able to handle each of the following? The economy
Joe Biden 35%
Donald Trump 52%
Both equally 4%
Neither 9%
Sample: 145 Respondents
Regardless of who you support, would you say Joe Biden or Donald Trump is better able to handle each of the following? Policing and criminal justice
Joe Biden 38%
Donald Trump 52%
Both equally 5%
Neither 4%
Sample: 144 Respondents
Would you say Joe Biden cares about people like you?
No 52%
Sample: 179 Respondents
Do you think corruption in the U.S. government would be a major problem, a minor problem or not a problem if Joe Biden is elected president?
Sample: 677 Respondents
Do you think corruption in the U.S. government would be a major problem, a minor problem or not a problem if Joe Biden is elected president?
Sample: 677 Respondents
Would you say each candidate is too tolerant of extremist groups, or not? Joe Biden
Sample: 668 Respondents
Would you say Joe Biden is healthy enough to serve effectively as president?
No 48%
Sample: 178 Respondents
Would you say Joe Biden is honest and trustworthy?
No 60%
Sample: 177 Respondents
Would you say Joe Biden has the mental capability to serve effectively as president?
No 55%
Sample: 179 Respondents
Would you say Joe Biden stands up for what he believes in?
No 38%
Sample: 176 Respondents
Would you say Joe Biden is a strong leader?
Yes 42%
No 58%
Sample: 178 Respondents
In general, how concerned are you about the effects of climate change?
Somewhat concerned 18%
Not too concerned 26%
Not at all concerned 15%
Sample: 182 Respondents
In general, how concerned are you about the effects of climate change?
Not too/Not at all concerned 40%
Sample: 182 Respondents
Do you approve or disapprove of the way Congress is handling its job?
Approve strongly 4%
Approve somewhat 18%
Disapprove somewhat 34%
Disapprove strongly 44%
Sample: 178 Respondents
Do you approve or disapprove of the way Congress is handling its job?
Approve 22%
Sample: 178 Respondents
Do you think the coronavirus in the United States is:
Completely under control 4%
Mostly under control 21%
Sample: 677 Respondents
Do you think the coronavirus in the United States is:
Sample: 677 Respondents
Do you think the coronavirus in the United States is:
Completely/Mostly under control 25%
Sample: 677 Respondents
Do you approve or disapprove of the way each of the following has handled the coronavirus pandemic? Mike Dunleavy
Sample: 671 Respondents
Do you approve or disapprove of the way each of the following has handled the coronavirus pandemic? Mike Dunleavy
Sample: 671 Respondents
Which should be the federal governments higher priority?
Limiting additional damage to the economy, even if it increases the spread of the coronavirus 54%
Sample: 159 Respondents
Do you approve or disapprove of the way each of the following has handled the coronavirus pandemic? Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
Disapprove somewhat 17%
Disapprove strongly 13%
Sample: 669 Respondents
Do you approve or disapprove of the way each of the following has handled the coronavirus pandemic? Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
Sample: 669 Respondents
Please say if you have had each of the following experiences because of the coronavirus pandemic: A close friend or family member died from the coronavirus.
Yes 4%
Sample: 169 Respondents
Please say if you have had each of the following experiences because of the coronavirus pandemic: You or someone in your household lost a job or income.
Yes 50%
Sample: 169 Respondents
Please say if you have had each of the following experiences because of the coronavirus pandemic: You missed out on a major event, like a wedding or funeral.
Yes 40%
No 60%
Sample: 169 Respondents
Please say if you have had each of the following experiences because of the coronavirus pandemic: Any of the three impacts.
No 32%
Sample: 169 Respondents
Do you approve or disapprove of the way each of the following has handled the coronavirus pandemic? Donald Trump
Approve somewhat 17%
Disapprove somewhat 5%
Sample: 672 Respondents
Do you approve or disapprove of the way each of the following has handled the coronavirus pandemic? Donald Trump
Sample: 672 Respondents
Thinking about the criminal justice system in the United States, would you say:
It needs a complete overhaul 23%
It needs major changes 34%
It needs minor changes 35%
No changes are needed 8%
Sample: 143 Respondents
Thinking about the criminal justice system in the United States, would you say:
Needs minor changes/No changes are needed 43%
Sample: 143 Respondents
Which of the following best describes you and your family heritage?
Mexican 2%
Puerto Rican 2%
Cuban 0%
Central American 0%
South American 0%
Other 1%
Sample: 684 Respondents
Overall, do you approve or disapprove of the way Mike Dunleavy is handling his job as governor?
Approve strongly 18%
Sample: 670 Respondents
Overall, do you approve or disapprove of the way Mike Dunleavy is handling his job as governor?
Sample: 670 Respondents
For each of the following, please say if you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion. If you do not know enough to have an opinion, you can say that too. The Democratic Party
Very favorable 16%
Somewhat favorable 24%
Somewhat unfavorable 11%
Very unfavorable 45%
Do not know enough to say 4%
Sample: 183 Respondents
For each of the following, please say if you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion. If you do not know enough to have an opinion, you can say that too. The Democratic Party
Very/Somewhat favorable 40%
Very/Somewhat unfavorable 56%
Do not know enough to say 4%
Sample: 183 Respondents
For each of the following, please say if you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion. If you do not know enough to have an opinion, you can say that too. Joe Biden/The Democratic Party
Favorable view of Dem Party and Biden 41%
Favorable view of Dem Party, unfavorable view of Biden 0%
Favorable view of Biden, unfavorable view of Dem Party 7%
Unfavorable view of Dem Party and Biden 51%
Sample: 178 Respondents
For each of the following, please say if you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion. If you do not know enough to have an opinion, you can say that too. Kamala Harris
Very favorable 23%
Somewhat favorable 17%
Somewhat unfavorable 5%
Very unfavorable 49%
Do not know enough to say 5%
Sample: 183 Respondents
For each of the following, please say if you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion. If you do not know enough to have an opinion, you can say that too. Kamala Harris
Very/Somewhat unfavorable 54%
Do not know enough to say 5%
Sample: 183 Respondents
For each of the following, please say if you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion. If you do not know enough to have an opinion, you can say that too. The Republican Party/The Democratic Party
Favorable view of both parties 3%
Favorable view of Rep Party, unfavorable view of Dem Party 41%
Favorable view of Dem Party, unfavorable view of Rep Party 38%
Unfavorable view of parties 17%
Sample: 178 Respondents
For each of the following, please say if you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion. If you do not know enough to have an opinion, you can say that too. Mike Pence
Very favorable 35%
Somewhat favorable 15%
Somewhat unfavorable 13%
Very unfavorable 33%
Do not know enough to say 6%
Sample: 183 Respondents
For each of the following, please say if you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion. If you do not know enough to have an opinion, you can say that too. Mike Pence
Very/Somewhat favorable 49%
Do not know enough to say 6%
Sample: 183 Respondents
For each of the following, please say if you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion. If you do not know enough to have an opinion, you can say that too. The Republican Party
Very favorable 26%
Somewhat favorable 20%
Somewhat unfavorable 13%
Do not know enough to say 0%
Sample: 183 Respondents
For each of the following, please say if you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion. If you do not know enough to have an opinion, you can say that too. The Republican Party
Very/Somewhat favorable 46%
Do not know enough to say 0%
Sample: 183 Respondents
Would you describe your vote for president mainly as FOR your candidate or AGAINST his opponent?
For your candidate 63%
Against his opponent 37%
Sample: 178 Respondents
Was/will/would this election your first time ever voting, or not?
First time voting 1%
Sample: 665 Respondents
Gender, married two categories
Married men 20%
Married women 41%
Not married men 20%
Not married women 19%
Sample: 140 Respondents
Which best describes your family's financial situation? Are you...
Getting ahead 26%
Falling behind 9%
Sample: 169 Respondents
Which best describes your feelings about the way the federal government is working?
Enthusiastic 4%
Satisfied, but not enthusiastic 21%
Dissatisfied, but not angry 44%
Angry 31%
Sample: 168 Respondents
Which best describes your feelings about the way the federal government is working?
Enthusiastic/Satisfied 25%
Sample: 168 Respondents
Which comes closer to your views?
Government should do more to solve problems 36%
Government doing too many things better left to business and individuals 64%
Sample: 160 Respondents
Do you favor or oppose each of the following? Increasing federal government spending on green and renewable energy
Strongly favor 34%
Somewhat favor 23%
Somewhat oppose 18%
Strongly oppose 25%
Sample: 168 Respondents
Do you favor or oppose each of the following? Increasing federal government spending on green and renewable energy
Strongly/Somewhat oppose 43%
Sample: 168 Respondents
Do you or does any other member of your household own a handgun, rifle, shotgun, or any other kind of firearm?
No gun in household 29%
Sample: 180 Respondents
Do you or does any other member of your household own a handgun, rifle, shotgun, or any other kind of firearm?
Gun owner, self 54%
Gun in household 17%
No 29%
Sample: 180 Respondents
Should gun laws in the U.S. be made...
Less strict 19%
Kept as they are 40%
Sample: 183 Respondents
Which of the following comes closest to what you would like to see lawmakers do with the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare?
Repeal the law entirely 39%
Repeal parts of the law 24%
Leave the law as is 2%
Expand the law 35%
Sample: 167 Respondents
Which of the following comes closest to what you would like to see lawmakers do with the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare?
Repeal the law entirely/Repeal parts 63%
Sample: 167 Respondents
Which of the following comes closer to your opinion? Should most immigrants who are living in the United States illegally be...
Deported to the country they came from 30%
Sample: 166 Respondents
Do you favor or oppose each of the following? Building a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border
Strongly favor 33%
Somewhat favor 23%
Somewhat oppose 9%
Strongly oppose 34%
Sample: 168 Respondents
Do you favor or oppose each of the following? Building a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border
Strongly/Somewhat favor 57%
Sample: 168 Respondents
Thinking about voting in this presidential election, how important to you was each of the following? The federal government response to the coronavirus
A minor factor 12%
Not a factor 5%
Sample: 673 Respondents
Thinking about voting in this presidential election, how important to you was each of the following? The federal government response to the coronavirus
Not a factor 5%
Sample: 673 Respondents
Thinking about voting in this presidential election, how important to you was each of the following? The economic downturn
A minor factor 11%
Not a factor 4%
Sample: 671 Respondents
Thinking about voting in this presidential election, how important to you was each of the following? The economic downturn
Not a factor 4%
Sample: 671 Respondents
How important is it to you for the next president to do each of the following? Look out for people like you
Very important 44%
Somewhat important 42%
Not too important 7%
Not at all important 8%
Sample: 179 Respondents
How important is it to you for the next president to do each of the following? Look out for people like you
Not too/Not at all important 15%
Sample: 179 Respondents
Thinking about voting in this presidential election, how important to you was each of the following? Protests over police violence
The single most important factor 15%
Not a factor 13%
Sample: 669 Respondents
Thinking about voting in this presidential election, how important to you was each of the following? Protests over police violence
Not a factor 13%
Sample: 669 Respondents
Thinking about voting in this presidential election, how important to you was each of the following? Supreme Court nominations
A minor factor 15%
Not a factor 8%
Sample: 672 Respondents
Thinking about voting in this presidential election, how important to you was each of the following? Supreme Court nominations
Not a factor 8%
Sample: 672 Respondents
How important is it to you for the next president to do each of the following? Shake up the political system
Very important 33%
Somewhat important 50%
Not too important 14%
Not at all important 4%
Sample: 177 Respondents
How important is it to you for the next president to do each of the following? Shake up the political system
Not too/Not at all important 18%
Sample: 177 Respondents
How important is it to you for the next president to do each of the following? Bring the country together
Somewhat important 23%
Not too important 3%
Not at all important 1%
Sample: 178 Respondents
How important is it to you for the next president to do each of the following? Bring the country together
Not too/Not at all important 4%
Sample: 178 Respondents
How concerned are you that interference by foreign governments might affect the outcome of this election?
Very concerned 35%
Somewhat concerned 38%
Not too concerned 20%
Not at all concerned 8%
Sample: 183 Respondents
How concerned are you that interference by foreign governments might affect the outcome of this election?
Not too/Not at all concerned 28%
Sample: 183 Respondents
Do you consider yourself to be gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender?
Yes 5%
Sample: 145 Respondents
Are you...
Married 59%
Not married 41%
Sample: 143 Respondents
In general, do you think Lisa Murkowski supports President Trump too much, too little or about the right amount?
Sample: 667 Respondents
Do you think the condition of the national economy is
Excellent 9%
Sample: 681 Respondents
Do you think the condition of the national economy is
Sample: 681 Respondents
In general, would you say police in this country are too tough, not tough enough or about right in handling of crime?
Too tough 21%
Not tough enough 17%
About right 62%
Sample: 133 Respondents
Overall, do you approve or disapprove of the way Donald Trump is handling his job as president?
Approve strongly 29%
Approve somewhat 23%
Disapprove somewhat 5%
Sample: 178 Respondents
Overall, do you approve or disapprove of the way Donald Trump is handling his job as president?
Approve 52%
Sample: 178 Respondents
How serious a problem is racism in policing?
Not too serious 18%
Not at all serious 17%
Sample: 662 Respondents
How serious a problem is racism in policing?
Sample: 662 Respondents
How serious a problem is racism in U.S. society?
Not too serious 16%
Not at all serious 13%
Sample: 680 Respondents
How serious a problem is racism in U.S. society?
Sample: 680 Respondents
What is your present religion, if any?
Catholic 12%
Mormon 4%
Jewish 0%
Muslim 0%
Something else 12%
Sample: 679 Respondents
What is your present religion, if any?
Catholic 12%
Sample: 679 Respondents
What should the United States Supreme Court do about Roe v. Wade, the 1973 decision on abortion: leave it as is or overturn it?
Overturn it 31%
Sample: 136 Respondents
Do you think the Trump administration has made the U.S. safer or less safe from each of the following, or has it not made much difference? Crime
Made the U.S. safer 37%
Made the U.S. less safe 31%
Has not made much difference 32%
Sample: 144 Respondents
Do you think the Trump administration has made the U.S. safer or less safe from each of the following, or has it not made much difference? Cyberattacks
Made the U.S. safer 37%
Made the U.S. less safe 38%
Has not made much difference 24%
Sample: 143 Respondents
Do you think the Trump administration has made the U.S. safer or less safe from each of the following, or has it not made much difference? Terrorism
Made the U.S. safer 55%
Made the U.S. less safe 33%
Has not made much difference 12%
Sample: 144 Respondents
In general, do you think Dan Sullivan supports President Trump too much, too little or about the right amount?
Too little 7%
Sample: 665 Respondents
Do you favor or oppose each of the following? Increasing taxes on goods imported to the U.S. from other countries
Strongly favor 16%
Somewhat favor 44%
Somewhat oppose 32%
Strongly oppose 9%
Sample: 162 Respondents
Do you favor or oppose each of the following? Increasing taxes on goods imported to the U.S. from other countries
Strongly/Somewhat favor 60%
Strongly/Somewhat oppose 40%
Sample: 162 Respondents
Which best describes when you decided how you would vote?
I decided over the course of the campaign 28%
I decided in the last few days 2%
I still have not decided 0%
Sample: 177 Respondents
Which best describes when you decided how you would vote?
I decided in the last few days/Still have not decided 3%
Sample: 177 Respondents
Which best describes when you decided how you would vote?
I decided over the course of the campaign 28%
I decided in the last few days/Still have not decided 3%
Sample: 177 Respondents
Would you say Donald Trump cares about people like you?
Yes 51%
Sample: 179 Respondents
Do you think Donald Trump has changed the way Washington works for the better, for the worse or not at all?
Has not changed Washington 10%
Sample: 681 Respondents
Do you think President Trump is too tough, not tough enough or about right in his approach to China?
Too tough 12%
Not tough enough 50%
About right 38%
Sample: 174 Respondents
Do you think corruption in the U.S. government would be a major problem, a minor problem or not a problem if Donald Trump is re-elected president?
Minor problem 24%
Sample: 681 Respondents
Do you think corruption in the U.S. government would be a major problem, a minor problem or not a problem if Donald Trump is re-elected president?
Sample: 681 Respondents
Would you say each candidate is too tolerant of extremist groups, or not? Donald Trump
Sample: 675 Respondents
Would you say Donald Trump is healthy enough to serve effectively as president?
Yes 60%
No 40%
Sample: 178 Respondents
Would you say Donald Trump is honest and trustworthy?
Yes 46%
Sample: 178 Respondents
Would you say Donald Trump has the mental capability to serve effectively as president?
Yes 53%
Sample: 179 Respondents
Do you think President Trump is too tough, not tough enough or about right in his approach to North Korea?
Too tough 3%
About right 42%
Sample: 178 Respondents
Do you think President Trump is too tough, not tough enough or about right in his approach to Russia?
Too tough 2%
About right 42%
Sample: 179 Respondents
Would you say Donald Trump stands up for what he believes in?
No 21%
Sample: 176 Respondents
Would you say Donald Trump is a strong leader?
Yes 49%
Sample: 179 Respondents
Are you, or is anyone in your household, a member of a labor union?
Union household 28%
Sample: 169 Respondents
Are you, or is anyone in your household, a member of a labor union?
Union member, self 21%
Union member in household 7%
Sample: 169 Respondents
Do you think the United States should take a more or less active role solving the worlds problems, or is its current role about right?
老澳门六合彩开奖记录资料 active 33%
Less active 30%
About right 36%
Sample: 177 Respondents
Have you, or has any member of your household, ever served in the U.S. military?
Veteran household 52%
Sample: 182 Respondents
Have you, or has any member of your household, ever served in the U.S. military?
Veteran, self 17%
Veteran in household 35%
Sample: 182 Respondents
Which one of the following statements best describes you?
Did not vote in 2016 presidential election 14%
Sample: 684 Respondents
Thinking about the presidential election in the U.S., how confident are you that votes will be counted accurately?
Not at all confident 11%
Sample: 683 Respondents
Thinking about the presidential election in the U.S., how confident are you that votes will be counted accurately?
Sample: 683 Respondents
Thinking about the presidential election in the U.S., how confident are you that people who are not eligible will NOT be allowed to vote?
Not at all confident 16%
Sample: 676 Respondents
Thinking about the presidential election in the U.S., how confident are you that people who are not eligible will NOT be allowed to vote?
Sample: 676 Respondents
Thinking about the presidential election in the U.S., how confident are you that people who are eligible will be allowed to vote?
Not at all confident 6%
Sample: 681 Respondents
Thinking about the presidential election in the U.S., how confident are you that people who are eligible will be allowed to vote?
Sample: 681 Respondents
What is your present religion, if any?
White Catholic 7%
White other 9%
Sample: 671 Respondents